Peephole chevron stitch

This is a twist on the double crochet chevron, with 
chain spaces instead of the shell at the ridges of the 
wave. The chain spaces and skipped stitches create 
teardrops in the fabric.

Ch a multiple of 10 sts plus 5.

Dc in 4th ch from hk, *dc in next 4 ch, sk 
2 ch, dc in next 4 ch, ch 2; rep from * across to last 
11 ch, dc in next 4 ch, sk 2 ch, dc in next 4 ch, 2 dc 
in last ch, turn.

Row2 :
Ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in 1st dc, *dc in next 4 
dc, sk 2 dc, dc in next 3 dc, [dc, ch 2, dc] in next ch-2 
sp; rep from * across to last ch-2 sp, dc in next 3 dc, 
sk 2 dc, dc in next 4 dc, 2 dc in top of t-ch, turn.

Rep row 2 to desired length.

I hope you like it 😊


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