Simple chevron stitch

Simple chevron stitch is great for baby blankets, bags, clutch or many other projects.

The most basic of wave patterns creates V-shaped 
vertical columns. Vary the look by changing colors 
after each row.

Ch a multiple of 13 plus 2.

Sc in 2nd ch from hk, sc in same ch, *sc 
in next 5 ch, sk 2 ch, sc in next 5 ch, 3 sc in next ch; 
rep from * to last ch, 2 sc in last ch, turn.

Row 2:

Ch 1, 2 sc in 1st sc, *sc in next 5 sc, sk 2 sc, 
sc in next 5 sc, 3 sc in next sc; rep from * across to last sc, 2 sc in last sc, turn.

Rep row 2 to desired length.



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