Crochet baby blanket

The two color crochet baby blanket pattern is nice and solid and can be crocheted for both baby boys and baby girls. It’s a mindless way to create that gift for the new bundle of joy. 

I choose to make it with white and blue color but you can use white and red or pink for baby girl. 

So let's begin! 


Acrylic yarn in 2 colors crochet hook 

Abbreviations :

Foundation chain :


Row 1 :

First color(white in my case) 

Start from the 2nd ch from hook, 1 sc,        *sk 3,9 dc in the next ch, sk 3,1 sc, reapet from* 

Row 2 :

 Second color( blue in my case). 

Ch 3(count as first dc) 1 dc in the same ch3, *ch 2,sk 4,1 sc, ch 2,sk 4,1 dc-ch1-1 dc in the previous sc, repeat from* until the last st, 2 dc in the last st. 

Row 3:

First color 

Ch 3(count as first dc) 4 dc in the same st,      * 1 sc in the previous sc, 9 dc in the previous ch 1, repeat from* until the last st, 5 dc in the last st. 

Row 4:

Second color

Ch 1,1 sc in the same st, ch 2,*1 dc-ch1 - 1 dc in the previous sc, ch 2,sk 4,1 sc, ch 2,sk 4 reapet from*. 

Reapeat rows 1-4 until the length desire 

Diagram :

Video tutorial :


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